
This website aims to provide the English-speaking legal community easy access to an overview of some of the basic sources, landmark cases, and legislation regarding Italian tort law, from its historic roots to its current status.

It presents this area of law in English, with translations from the Italian, of the relevant case law and norms in a comparative perspective, where appropriate, with other civil-law provisions as well as with their common-law counterparts.
Developed over the past two years, this web-project was conceived by Prof. Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich, to whom I am grateful for his continuous support.

It is the digital counterpart of my book Selected Areas of Tort Law: Cases and Materials in a Comparative Perspective, published by Il Sirente, 2011, under a Creative Commons license by-nc, which can be downloaded at www.sirente.it

Gaia Viperino provided precious research contributions and translating assistance.
This online project has been made possible thanks to her technical and creative skills.

Rebecca Spitzmiller, J.D.
Lecturer in Comparative Law at Università degli Studi "Roma Tre"